Clams and Teabags Tonight! (By the way, do not do a Google image search for "teabag" or "clam" or both together. Yuk!) It's time again for a taste of New England at Thom's. The hottest clam event this week!
First, it's Clamapalooza III at 7 pm featuring clams on the half shell, fried Ipswich clams, and clams steamed in our star of the night: Harpoon Brown Ale. We'll be serving up tartar sauce made with Rick's Picks, the best pickle to come out of New England since Pitt Street Pickles was torn down with the old West End. And after you get your fill of zinc downstairs, get zinged upstairs by New England's best comedians in New York. It's time again for The Boston Teabag Party.
The Teabag Party will feature: MATT MCCARTHY, SHANE MAUSS, PAUL MECURIO, NICK STEVENS, and DJ TANNER. It starts at 9:30 so get your seats early.
There are still seat's available to see the Comedy Central taping of Teabag Party regular God's Pottery. Check their website for more details.
June will be busy with bonuses. Authors Andy Wasif and Seth Mnookin are coming back to talk about their respective books and even sign a few. Look for details on the blog.
And, if you find yourself in Boston on June 16th go to The Greatest Bar and help The Calhoun Cousins (Thom's regulars) raise money for ALS at their fundraising spectacular. They'll be auctioning off everything you've ever wanted.
Ol' whiskey comes from ol' Kentucky
Ain't the country lucky?
New Jersey gives us glue
And you - you come from Rhode Island
And little ol' Rhode Island is famous for you