Monday, April 16, 2012

Jackie Robinson's Fenway Tryout

On this day, April 16, 1945, the Red Sox held a work out for three Negro League players at Fenway Park. Of the three players, only Jackie Robinson achieved great success in baseball.  The irony of this day is if none of the players had been Jackie Robinson, there might be more known about the event itself. That is, a more accurate depiction of the day would be available if the details were not confused by politics.

Instead, because of Robinson's involvement and his subsequent role in integrating Major League Baseball, that day has been used by many to illustrate the prejudice that existed at that time.  Long ignored has been the work of the many forward thinking men that made that tryout happen.

I'll write their stories here in the near future including the efforts of Councilman Isadore Muchnick and his misunderstood role in forcing this tryout.

For now, enjoy John Thorn's three part series "Jackie Robinson’s Signing: The Real Story".

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...If You Ain't Got That Ring.