That was awful, horrendous, embarassing! We're sorry you had to sit through that: Michael Leggett singing "Massachusetts" by the Bee Gees in an Ethel Merman wig. WOW!
Well, the world didn't come to an end, but it felt like it last night. The Sox stunk it up bad, and Beckett is giving up more home runs than Jenny Piccolo on "Happy Days".
Another huge apology for the technical difficulties of the play-by-play booth (I wish YES would say that once in a while). Hopefully we'll have it worked out for tonight. And, if it doesn't work, we'll just raffle off more pitchers of beer. The sign-up sheet is on the table in the back in front of the World Series Bunting.
Now the good news. The Village Voice loves our burgers! "[M]ay have been the best we'd ever had."
But, they hate our Amaretto Sours: "sweet as a ninth-inning rally"
This is our fourth mention in a New York periodical already. AM New York mentioned us, as did Crains and the New York Post. That's enough print to papier-mache the banana seat on my bike.
Don't forget, tomorrow is the baseball trivia challenge. And stick around after the game for Bingo night and maybe even a visit from our friends at YES network.
We're also going to be introducing a new Harpoon seasonal beer: Saison.
Come on in Sunday to try your luck at Poker.
Three more Yankee games, three more hangovers.
Feel I'm goin' back to Massachusetts
Something's telling me I must go home
And the lights all went down in Massachusetts
The day I left her standing on her own.
-Bee Gees
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